
Are companies adapting to the evolving needs of employees with dependents?

Written on:
July 13, 2023
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Leading up to Global Parents Day on July 23, 2023, we conducted a study to better understand the needs of employed caregivers in Singapore and Thailand. The survey was conducted in June 2023 and was representative of the population by age and gender. It involved a total of N=1,000 respondents, with N=500 participants from each country. This study aimed to explore how companies are adapting to the needs of employees with dependents and to identify potential strategies for supporting caregivers.

The results revealed significant differences between the two countries, with 80% of employees in Singapore utilizing all of their paid annual leave, while only 54% of respondents in Thailand reported doing the same. 

The key findings from the survey conducted in Singapore and Thailand shed light on the dependency patterns and healthcare needs of employed caregivers in each country. In Singapore, the study revealed that among employees with dependents relying on them for support, the primary dependents were parents/parents-in-law (62%) and children (43%). Furthermore, a significant proportion of caregivers (40%) reported having dependents requiring regular medical attention for physical and mental health reasons.

The findings from Thailand indicated that among those with dependents, 71% had parents/parents-in-law primarily as dependents. About 1 in 5 (21%) of employees aged 34 years and younger reported having grandparents as dependents. Additionally, nearly half (46%) of employees with dependents in Thailand reported having dependents in need of regular medical attention. These findings emphasize the diverse caregiving responsibilities and healthcare demands faced by employed individuals in Singapore and Thailand.

The study also revealed concerning data on lack of support for employees in terms of family, parental, and elderly care leave in both Thailand and Singapore. The results indicate that an overwhelming majority of employees in Thailand, nearly 7 in 10 (69%), do not have access to such leave provided by their companies. Similarly, in Singapore, 45% of the surveyed employees reported the absence of family, elderly, or parental care leave in their respective workplaces.

These statistics highlight the limited provisions for employees to address their caregiving responsibilities outside of work, raising concerns about work-life balance and the overall well-being of individuals in these countries. The findings underscore the need for increased awareness and implementation of policies that prioritize the support and flexibility required to balance work and personal caregiving responsibilities in both Thailand and Singapore.

To tackle this challenge, businesses can consider providing targeted job benefits such as "Family Care Leave" and "Parental Leave." By acknowledging and addressing the specific needs of caregivers, companies can create a more inclusive and supportive work environment, leading to higher employee satisfaction and improved organizational success.

Get in touch with us for the full report.

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